SC GARDENS matebele

SC GARDENS is a wildlife garden located 25km from Gaborone, on a paved road and a gravel road for the last 500m, on the edge of Matebeleng village, 100m from the Notwane river.  It has large granite boulders, savannah grasses (melinis spp, eragrostis spp, aristida spp, panicum spp), a variety of wildflowers (including nerines, and xerophyta retinervis) and indigenous trees (grewia spp, combretum spp, bridelia spp, pavetta spp, vitex zeyheri ) that supports a diverse habitat of: birds (including bats and owls), reptiles (house snake, monitor lizard, yellow-throated plated lizard, rock agama), amphibians (guttural toad, red banded rubber frog and foam nest tree frog) and insects (as well as larger fauna such as mongoose, hedgehog, and tortoise.

We run educational tours regarding the environment, showcasing various methods in which to help protect the environment,  to create a wildlife garden that helps to preserve the myriad of creatures that visit it,  and highlight the frequently overlooked individual roles of various species that help to maintain the fragile balance of the world we live in.

Alongside the indigenous garden is a permaculture garden with vegetables, herbs and fruits;  bog, aloe, rose, and succulent gardens; two bee hives; one fish pond; one frog and reed pond; a vermiculture farm; and photos of the various species found in the gardens.

You can find a wide selection of unusual herbs depending on the season, such as Mugwort, Senna, Roselle; English David Austin roses, some of Ludwig Taschner’s favourite roses and rare Aloe species such as Aloe peglerae. Wander around our very own Permaculture garden, and see how Organic methods work in harmony with nature as ladybugs nibble on aphids and bees buzz around all the flowers. Matebele has a budding artist community and some of their sculptures, bird baths and feeders are for sale.


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