bee on lavender

bee on lavender

bee on wild rocket

bee on wild rocket

We have two hives that produce organic honey mainly from acacia and grewia flowers. However they also help to pollinate flowers in our permaculture garden, and harvest pollen from alfalfa, rocket and lavender.



robber fly

robber fly


orb-web spider

Pests of bees include ants, especially the black ants that raid the hives for honey; beetles that raid the hives for the larvae; robber flies that lie in wait to catch the bees and spiders such as the band legged golden orb-web spider that trap bees in their web.




During summer we check the bees daily:

Bee Box

Bee Box

bee with pollen

bee with pollen on its legs

hive is too hot

something is wrong: the hive could be too hot

swarm of bees

a hive has swarmed






Then we check inside the hive and harvest honey around every two months:


checking the hive


bees at work capping the honey cells


combs of honey


harvesting the honey


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